March Favourites !!!
It's the first time, I've ever posted an article on my month favourites but I just thought we might give it a try !!! I've got loads of things I want to present to you so I hope you enjoy it !
Since last summer, I've been buying the Daphne's Diary magasin that I just love. It's maybe a bit expensive, it's about seven euros here in France but it's got loads of things in it. It's got receipies, DIYs, décoration ideas... The author who creates and writes the magasin writes about her day to day life, places she's visits... There's arts and crafts you can make in it too... I really enjoy reading it and making the receipies that are so delicious and easy to make as well, I love the way she's made it, it so beautifuly decorated and it makes you want to read it. Perhaps you've already seen these magasines up on sale, there's a new magasine that comes out every month.
My next favourite thing is my bronzer powder from Avon that I use every morning. It's a pearl powder and they're really glowy.

A week ago, I finished reading a novel that I really enjoyed. It's Rebecca by Daphne Du Maurier. It's a long book with small printing but trust me, once you've started reading it, you can't stop. I really really enjoyed it, it's one of my favourite books I've read. It's a sort of a love story but also a mysterious murder one too.

My next favourite of the month is the pure Tea Tree oïl that I've been using on my skin to treat spots and redness. It's worked really well for me. I also used a blemish stick that I've been using since last summer and that I've finished know. That also worked on my skin but it's not as good as the pure tea tree oïl.

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