My workout routine!
As the days are getting nicer and warmer, I've started to workout in my garden! I found this workout routine on Instagram and added some exercises and changed it a little. If you want to see the results within a week, you should do the same workout routine during three days in a row. Then continue doing it once or twice a week.
If you don't have time to do it three days in a row, you can start doing it twice or once a week. Of course, if you start working out twice or once a week you won't see the results within a week but they will come gradually don't worry!
For me, I've discovered working out is a great way to liberate my self from the stress and anxiety of school. It's also a great way to spend time outside when you're constantly studying in your bedroom.
I know sometimes you don't want to work because you're tired and you prefer watching a Netflix series with a nice hot chocolate. So try and decide on a day, once a week, not too late in the evening when you can workout and you'll be motivated to do it.
What I find also helps, is having a nice workout outfit that you like wearing. That'll motivate you to workout.
1. For 30 seconds start by doing the plank.

2. Then keep the same plank position and do 20 twists.
3. Do 30 bicycle crunches.

4. Do 20 side crunches on each side.
5. Do 25 mountain climbers.

6. Do 30 hip raises.
7. Do 50 squats with your legs in a parallel position.
8. Do 10 burpees.
9. Do a series of 20 sit-ups.
10. Do a 30-second wall sit.
11. Do a series of 10 push-ups.
12. Finally, do 25 donkey kicks per leg.

What's good about this workout routine it's that it won't take you that long to do. But you feel as if you've been working out for much longer than you really have. You can gradually add more exercises each time you workout. Good luck working out!
Cara. R
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