Christmas Specials #1
Hi guys !!! This is my first chritsmas special article on my blog. Basically from now on till Christmas, I'll be posting "Christmas special" articles on my blog to give you guys a few ideas to prepare your Christmas party or to put us in the winter spirit (decorations, snacks, gifts, créations, DIYs...). The Christmas special articles are also for me to share my various Christmas delights.
You can participate too, if you've got an Instagram account, post a photo of your creations or your own discoveries with #christmas_specials_gorjussthingsblog.
Don't forget to add your Instagram user name and a title for your photo. It can be what ever you want as long as it's part of the Christmas spirit. It can also be cute or funny accessories.
You will see in this first christmas special article, I'll be sharing with you, automn ideas. You can do it too, it can be from the autumn theme or winter theme.
If you haven't got Instagram you can send me your photos by e-mail (my e-mail adresse is below this article). Don't forget to add in the subject : #christmas_specials_gorjussthingsblog
And also add a title to your photos and your name or a pseudo.
Some of my friends love this season because of the colours and the clothes style but some don't because of the cold and wet climate. Personally I love it. I just wish that in France, the leafes would changes colour and become red, orange and yellow. In France only a few trees change colour but not as bright and beautiful than in England. I found these photos on Pinterest, and I just love them!
Autumn is a cozy season for me, you can get out the big thick blanckets and cuddle up on the couch in front of a film or a book.You can participate too, if you've got an Instagram account, post a photo of your creations or your own discoveries with #christmas_specials_gorjussthingsblog.
Don't forget to add your Instagram user name and a title for your photo. It can be what ever you want as long as it's part of the Christmas spirit. It can also be cute or funny accessories.
You will see in this first christmas special article, I'll be sharing with you, automn ideas. You can do it too, it can be from the autumn theme or winter theme.
If you haven't got Instagram you can send me your photos by e-mail (my e-mail adresse is below this article). Don't forget to add in the subject : #christmas_specials_gorjussthingsblog
And also add a title to your photos and your name or a pseudo.
Some of my friends love this season because of the colours and the clothes style but some don't because of the cold and wet climate. Personally I love it. I just wish that in France, the leafes would changes colour and become red, orange and yellow. In France only a few trees change colour but not as bright and beautiful than in England. I found these photos on Pinterest, and I just love them!
Autumn is a very beautiful season not only because of it's different bright coloured sceneries but because of the varios animals that you can see in the forest or in the fields. I juts love going for a walk in the forest. It relaxes me and gives a little time to get my mind of studies and exams. My days are very busy during the week so sometimes during the week-end I like to go for a walk. You don't have to go far to make the most of this beautiful season before it's all over.
I found these cute cloves on Pinterest and I just wanted to share them with you because they are so lovely. That's also the reason why I love automn, it's the season when you can put on cute cosy and warm clothes. But sadly, the weather in France isn't that cold for you to put on your wolly hats or gloves.
Autumn is also a season to be creative. If it's raining or to cold to go outside, you can make the most of being inside and using your imagintion. Instead of being on your phones or laptops you can make usefull things with your hands. You can make beautifull lights like these to decorate your bedroom for example. I spend too much time in front of my phone or my laptops because of my homework so when I've got time I do something creative to relax my brain.

What I love doing during automn is making myself a lovely mug of hot chocolate or a nice cup of tea.
This is a second DIY that you can make on rainy days. It's a lovely decoration for your bedroom. In France we have many acorns so why not use your imagination and take pleasure making these lovely golden acorns.
This is my favourite automn DIY, I tried it at home and it just makes the automn spirit come into the house. The coloures are also my favourite and they illustrate perfectly the autumn season.
Christmas is just round the corner and it's not going to be long before we start writting our wish lists. I found this mug on Pinterest and I just couldn't share my discovery with you guys. I just love this mug and it's so brilliantly written.
I think you've remarked my obsession for mugs, I just love beautifull mugs and I though this one was so cute.
Thanks for reading
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Instagram : gorjussthings_blog
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