My worst nerve racking day in all of my life !

Hi guys,

Last week, I past an important test to enter an International school. I had to pass a writen and oral test. I felt really really nervous. It was the most nerve racking day of all of my life so far. I’d prepared for this test  with the help of my mum but on the day, I felt sick like if I was going to faint (no worries I was OK). Despite being nervous, I was confident, I trusted my self and I did my 100% best.

It’s totally normal to  feel nervous, for example when you’re passing a mega important test like me, or singing in front of your clase in music, dansing in front of thousands of people, making a speech or passing a sport competition. Just remember to take a deep breath and relaxe. I know it’s easier to say than do but if you try to controle your nerves, you will feel much better.  Before and after passing your test, don’t forget to be confident, think positive thoughts and believe in yourself. I know it’s nerve racking but don’t panick, I’m sure it will go fine.

I’ll have my test resultats in two weeks, until then, write to me in the comments below, if you’ve ever had a nerve racking day, tell me how it went and how did you controle your nerves. It would be amazing if we could share our different experiences and a few tips for how to controle our nerves. Please please please write to me in comments below, it wouldn’t just help me but also all my  followers. And if you need help do not hesitate to ask me in comments or by e-mail ( Tell your friends and family about my blog, and share this article with all the people that you know because it would be a delite for me to help them controle their nerves.

Love From Cara xxx



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