My Super Saturday !!!
Hiya ! I hope you are all okay !! Today I'm going to talk to you about what I did last saturday !!! ENJOY...
As you can see in the title of this article I spent a super saturday. First of all in the morning I went to a shop to look at wooden houses with my dad, because I'd asked for one for my birthday. Then I went horse riding; we had a really nice walk, we galoped and we saw polo horses. OH MY GOD !!!!!!!!!!!!! I saw my chemistry teacher, good job he didn't see me...! I was invited to a birthday party in the afternoon so when I came home I quickly ate, washed my hair, put on my makeup and a lovely blue lace dress with blue ballerinas (party theme : "end of year ball"). I was a bit late because I'd come home late from horse riding. The birthday was super. We dressed up and took photos and then we put on our cossies . We had to walk around carring a tray with one hand that had glasses filled with water on it. We then shut all the windows, turned on a special light that progected images on the wall, and turned the music on for a disco .We did some funny sketches, then my mum came to get me and we went to eat at a chinese restaurant. When we came home I put my pyjamas on and watched a DVD of Mr.Bean.
I Hope you spent a good week end too, see you !!!
Love from Cara xxx:-)
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